If you've ever wondered how everyday things are made and how they have evolved - products like balls, pencils, condoms, or bottles - or if you've been interested in manufacturing processes, this web quest will give you the opportunity to discover this fascinating world.
For example, did you know that the first cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper in 1973 and it weighted almost a kilogram and cost 4000 dollars?
It sounds interesting, doesn't it? Then, let’s begin our adventure!
Now watch the following video.
As a final task, you will have to make a brochure to be presented in class.
In this brochure you must write a short paragraph about the history of the product you chose, then you will illustrate the materials needed for its manufacturing and finally, you will briefly describe the manufacturing process.
When all the teams have completed the brochure, each team will present its work for the rest of the class. Finally, each team will prepare a quiz to know what the others have learned about their presentation.
1. - First you will be assigned to a team of 6 students.
2. - Each team will select an item like:
Fortune cookies
Soda bottles
3. - Once you've picked an item, you need to use the web resources to collect data about its history, materials needed for its manufacturing and manufacturing process. Due to the team is integrated for 6 members; you will divide the team into 3 and then, each small group will be responsible for one aspect.
4. - Go to resources in order to find the information you need for each section.
5. - Gather the information and pictures that can be useful for you.
6. - Examine and analyze the information that you have found. Discuss with your group what you have got and explain why it could be useful. Propose your choices and the reasons for them.
7. –Next, you as a team, must create a brochure. You should use your own words to write a paragraph about its history and evolution, illustrate de materials and use the grammatical structure for the passive voice to describe the manufacturing process.
8. - To design your brochure you should use Microsoft office publisher.
9. - Once you have completed the design of your brochure, you will present and explain your work in front of the class. Make photocopies of your brochure to share the information.
10. - Prepare a quiz to find out what things the class learned about your presentation.
Passive grammatical structure (tutorials)
You have learned to use a new grammatical structure called passive voice. Moreover you have discovered amazing things about some items around us and its manufacturing processes as well as searching information though the web.
Now you can talk about it and improve your speaking and writing skills.
Good job!
Rubric to evaluate the main task (brochure)
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Uso de los recursos de la WebQuest
Exploró todos los sitios sin problemas por lo que obtuvo la información mostrando autonomía.
Exploró la mayor parte de los sitios y solo ocasionalmente requirió la ayuda de los demás miembros del equipo para obtener la información.
Exploró los sitios parcialmente, obtuvo la información pero requirió frecuentemente de la ayuda de los demás miembros del equipo.
No exploró los sitios por lo que no obtuvo la información requerida.
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La información del folleto fue seleccionada cuidadosamente por lo que es congruente con el tema. Esta organizada con una secuencia lógica, lo que hace fácil e interesante leer el folleto.
Información bien seleccionada, de acuerdo al tema. La organización de la información requiere algunos cambios para contribuir a la comprensión de la información.
Algunos puntos de la información no eran congruentes con el tema, la información requiere reacomodarse para contribuir a la comprensión de la información.
Información vaga e imprecisa que hace difícil la comprensión de la información para el lector.
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Diseño con Microsoft Publisher
El diseño tiene un formato atractivo y creativo, los textos e imágenes están bien organizados.
El diseño posee un buen formato pero faltó creatividad, los textos e imágenes están bien organizados.
El diseño del formato no es muy llamativo, los textos e imágenes no se encuentran bien organizados.
El diseño es improvisado y carece de creatividad, la organización de la información es confusa.
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Uso de la gramática y ortografía
La información no contiene errores de ortografía y/o gramática.
La información contiene entre 2 y 4 errores de ortografía y/o gramática.
La información contiene entre 5 y 7 errores de ortografía y/o gramática.
La información contienen 8 o más errores de ortografía y/o gramática.
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Trabajo colaborativo
Siempre muestra una participación activa y comprometida, coopera y ayuda a su equipo.
La mayor parte de las veces muestra una participación activa y comprometida, coopera y ayuda a su equipo.
Algunas veces participa y colabora con su equipo. No muestra por completo su compromiso y disposición.
En pocas ocasiones participa y/o coopera con su equipo.
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Presentación del folleto
Expuso sin dificultad, con dominio del tema y excelente desenvolvimiento y comunicación con el grupo.
Expuso con claridad, casi sin titubeos, existió una buena comunicación con el grupo.
Expuso con algunos titubeos y nerviosismo, olvidó por momentos la información a exponer, no obstante, pudo concluir.
Expuso con constantes titubeos, nerviosismo y olvidos de la información por lo que la comunicación fue muy limitada.
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Teacher’s guide:
Title: How things are made
Level: Low intermediate
Subjects: English
The main objectives for doing this activity with the students are:
- To learn how to use the passive grammatical structure in a context.
- To be familiarized with the school´s new technology.
- To appreciate the advantages of using the web
- To learn how to work in groups.
- To appreciate the final group product.
The teaching process
This process is organized into five parts:
1. During the first part, students will watch videos related with the manufacturing process of different items then they will choose an item to create a brochure. The objective of this part is to motivate and encourage students to want to know more about the topic, make them aware about the need to learn the vocabulary and structure required to create their brochures.
2. Next step will involve different tasks. Students will learn the vocabulary and structures they will need to deal with the topic. This part will be worked in class through exercises, readings and audios to support the improvement of generic and disciplinary competencies.
3. Searching information part will use the links proposed in this web quest to develop the final product (brochure). This task will be done at home however the progress of their works will be presented and reviewed in class. Students will also be helped by using dictionaries (the use of dictionaries has been clarified beforehand).
4. Creation of brochures. Students will share all the information they have already collected as well as the grammatical elements they have learned to make decisions about the designing of their brochures.
5.Oral presentation. This final part will be crucial to assess the acquisition of competencies while students keep on learning.
The process could be modified having a bilingual web quest in order to facilitate the understanding to our students.
Resources Needed
In order to implement this teaching process we will be using:
Spanish-English Dictionaries.
The links provided for this web quest.
Resources students bring from home.
Videos about the manufacturing process.
Bibliography: Dos Santos, M. (2007).Welcome to my world IV. México: McGraw-Hill.
Llanas, A. and Williams, L.(2010). Trends 4. México: Macmillan.
It would be ideal if the Science and English teacher work together to support the activity while doing the computer search. Also Science and English teachers might coordinate to deal with the main task.
Credits & References
This web quest was produced by Diana Torres Maciel
Thanks to these web quest:
Hola maestra Diana, la felicito por su blog, es muy bonito, pero sobre todo por el uso que le dará. Seguramente a sus alumnos les gustará pues los invita a leerlo y trabajar a partir de consultarlo.